Saturday, November 17, 2012

Christmas Ale (Great Lakes Brewing Company)

Great Lakes has a number of great seasonal beers to go with their year-round offerings.  The single most well-known of these is their Christmas Ale.  Stop into any bar in Cleveland between November and December and you'll find a large percentage of the bargoers drinking pints of the spiced ale from snifter glasses rimmed with cinnamon.

This Christmas Ale is pleasantly light (but don't get fooled by the high alcohol content).  It has a hint of bitterness, but nothing unappealing.  The overlying notes are ones of sweetness, honey, and spice.  This pairs well with the cinnamon that some enthusiasts use.

Outside of the Cleveland area, you'll find this on draft once in a blue moon during the appropriate season, and you might find it at some liquor stores that specialize in craft beer.  If you do, don't hesitate to pick up a six pack or two - and don't let it sit in the fridge forever; it's famous for only lasting a couple months due to the honey in it.

Rating: 4.0
ABV: 7.5%

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