Saturday, October 13, 2012

White Rascal (Avery Brewing Company)

Needless to say I like Avery Brewing Company a lot (and that's not just because it's based in Boulder where I (Lily) went to college).  Though we need to try more beers from Avery, they already have a pretty darn good track record with Ellie's Brown Ale and now White Rascal.  Lily has to credit Betsy Williams (if you're reading this) for introducing this beer to me back in college--I think it was at The Sink?  And yes, Lily just talked in third person.  And yes, I just started two sentences in a row with the word and.   

White Rascal is a Belgian-style white ale (believe it or not).  It's unfiltered, so when you open a bottle, there is a small sediment of yeast at the bottom.  Many breweries with unfiltered white ales tell you not to drink this part; instead, Avery suggests pouring most of the beer into a glass, swirling the remainder, then pouring the resulting yeast foam on top of the glass.  The result is a pleasant, spicy zest to an already-great beer.

White Rascal has a hint of citrus in its taste, and a spicy finish.  The flavor is bold without the texture being too bold and it's not a beer that will make your stomach feel incredibly full after you've had two...although I can't speak for how you'd feel after 4...or 5...this is a beer that we'd be happy to have all year round.  It's a great light ale that doesn't skimp on flavor.

5.6% ABV
Rating: 4.5

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