Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Avalanche Amber Ale (Breckenridge Brewery)

Breckenridge Brewery is a brewer that we are still discovering; they are heavily-involved in the art, music, and brewing communities in Colorado.  We've also had a couple of their other beers, which we'll likely review in the future.

Avalanche Amber Ale starts out full-bodied but light and ends with a non-bitter malty aftertaste.  As we would say, it's a "non-commitment" beer that still has a nice flavor--meaning you could have this beer while having a very intellectual conversation or while trying to pick up someone in a bar.  Because of the consistency, I would say this beer would be paired better with lighter flavors.  This amber ale is definitely not a beer that would stand up to bold flavors in red meats or other heavily seasoned foods.

We are going to have a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being beers we would likely not drink again, and 5 being beers we would go out of our way to get.

Rating: 3.5
4.4% ABV

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome to Pint of Interest, where we'll be reviewing all the beers we sample in order to catalogue our likes and dislikes, learn more about what's available, and hopefully share some with you.  We were originally going to get one of those fancy beer journals, but we figured this way was greener. 

I (Lily) admittedly drank my fair share of cheap beers in college, but who didn't?  Nonetheless I was very pleased when I found out my boyfriend was also interested in craft beers. 

I (Gene) was also happy to find out Lily enjoyed beers with more character than just the Bud Light I bought her the night I met her (that woudln't go over well nowadays unless it's a baseball game). 

We also might post trip reports here of trips to interesting brewpubs, bars and restaraunts (usually ones featuring craft beer), and breweries.  We also may or may not post wine reviews here; I suppose there is almost enough wine in a bottle for each of us to have a pint.

So we hope that you enjoy our blog.  We do not in any way claim to be beer experts, we simply just like drinking beer (and wine and gin).  No matter wshat, we'll be keeping this blog both for our records and also to learn more about beer and wine itself.

As always folks, drink responsibly :)